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Are you interested in screening our new IMAX film, Cities of the Future, at your local college or university? ASCE is offering a one-time screening opportunity exclusively to each ASCE student chapter. ASCE student chapters can use the form below to register to screen the film. A $5 service fee is required to receive a streaming link via Vimeo. NOTE:These screenings are intended for your campus community only. You may not promote the event off-campus or arrange to bring groups on to campus for this event.

The Cities of the Future Campus Screening Program is sponsored by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES).  NCEES provides leadership in the professional licensure of engineers and surveyors through excellence in uniform laws, licensing standards, and professional ethics to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the public and to shape the future of professional licensure.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Cities of the Futureis showing at a nearby museum. Should we see it there instead?

YES! The IMAX experience is worth the trip, and your chapter may be able to purchase extremely discounted tickets.

  • How do I arrange a screening on my campus?

You’ll need to secure a venue on your campus – we recommend your campus theater. Then fill out the form below to receive a streaming link for Cities of the Future.

  • What kind of theater is required to show the film?

This film was produced for the giant screen and immersive sound of the IMAX format. Since campus screenings will not be in IMAX, you will have the best experience if you screen the film in your campus theater. If you do not have a campus theater, we suggest an auditorium with high-quality projection and sound. The theater will need to be able to stream the film.

  • Is there a cost?

There is a $5 convenience fee to obtain the streaming link from the Vimeo platform. In addition, there will also likely be a rental fee for the campus theater.

  • Can we charge admission?

Not directly. Due to exclusivity agreements with the theatrical licenses, you cannot sell tickets through the theater box office or to the public. These campus screenings are considered “private events.” However, you CAN ask for donations at the door, offer free passes in exchange for donations, etc.

  • Can we solicit sponsors?

Absolutely! We encourage you to seek a sponsor to cover your costs. You can also use this as a fundraising event for your chapter.

  • Can we invite non-ASCE members?

These screenings are intended for your campus community only. You may promote the event on campus and include the entire university body. You may not promote the event off-campus or arrange to bring groups on to campus for this event. Any promotions should clarify that this is a “special screening sponsored by the ASCE student chapter.”